Tag Archives: Enqelab

Iran: The Double Life of Cinemaholic

Walking along the Enqelab street in Teheran I found occasionally an oldschool video store. It struck me that there is probably no other country where renting movies is as risky as in Iran (ok, maybe North Korea). I came inside expecting to meet the madcap who inevitably contributed to the fact that Iranian kids are running in the yard and playing Transformers and other American superheroes. When I entered the room I felt the stench of cheap cigarette smoke that hung in the stale air and this impression was even intensified by the prevailing gloom inside and the presence of plump Iranian resting on the office chair behind the counter. This image perfectly illustrated the phrase I have heard from my Iranian fellow: ”We are more American that the real Americans”. The seller wore sweaty T-shirt which used to be white one day, but now turned yellow and shabby fishing vest. On the nose he had classic aviator sunglasses that made me wondering if he can see anything. Continue reading Iran: The Double Life of Cinemaholic